The Proof! Math Puzzle Challenges play exactly like the
classic Proof! card game,
except here you're looking for a specific type of equation,
rather than just any equation at all.
read the title
of the challenge to understand what you're looking for. You can click the
for a more detailed explanation.
Then, start solving it by
clicking a card, then a math symbol, and then another card
to combine those cards using that operation. Once you create
two or more cards with matching values
(called a pair, triplet, etc.)
that fit the bill for this challenge, you'll win!
Full instructions
for the classic game can be found here.
If you're stuck, first try clicking the
near the title of the challenge for a more detailed explanation
and an example of what you're looking for.
If you're still stuck, click "Show Hint" below to reveal the hint for this challenge.
If you're still having trouble after that,
drop us a line
and we'll help you out. Be sure to tell us which challenge you're working on!
Show Hint
Use the double double-digit numbers like 33, 55, and 88 to your advantage along with the 11's.